इनस्क्रिप्ट बाबत सह्याद्री चॅनेलवरील मुलाखतीवर प्रतिक्रिया
My TV interview on sahyadri -- दिलखुलास मधे
15 ऑक्टो. 2009 8-9 pm and repeat on 16th at 730-830 morning
My TV interview on sahyadri at 8-9 pm tomoro and repeat on 16th at 730-830 morning. This is on the subject of computers and marathi.
My TV interview on sahyadri at 8-9 pm tomoro and repeat on 16th at 730-830 morning. This is on the subject of computers and marathi.
Response from
Sujay Lele,
Saleel Kulkarni, Thanks for the info. I hope your endeavour for computerisation of the state government records and communication in Unicode Marathi will bear fruits. All the best !!
अजय भागवत पुणे |+९१ ९८९०१ २८९२२ | http://marathishabda.com I could not watch your interview live. Is this video uploaded on YouTube? Can you please send me the link?
Milind Murugkar (Phone
) Agri-policy Researcher Nashik
harekrishnaji k harekrishnaji@gmail.com नमस्कार, मुलाकात पाहिली. छान झाली. Inscript बद्द्लचा आपला मुद्दा ( आणखी वीस वर्षानी मराठी भाषेसाठी रोमन लिपी) पटला. -- प्रियदर्शन काळॆ
GT Panse Dear Leenatai. We saw you on t.v. It was very informative. Wish you and your family happy and prosperous Diwali.
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